If you have been injured in an accident, you may need to go through some form of rehabilitation and physical therapy—on top of the medical attention you receive. You should always follow the advice of your doctor or therapist when it comes to finding relief from the chronic pain you experience. However, there are a…
A recent study finds that drivers who have consumed a small amount of alcohol and have not gotten enough sleep could present serious dangers, even if their blood alcohol content (BAC) levels remain below the legal limit of .08 percent. The study was conducted by researchers from the Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience at…
Over the past couple decades, engineers have been able to dramatically reduce the number of child fatalities in motor vehicle crashes thanks to new technologies. Public safety campaigns and more effective public policies have helped make our roads and highways safer, as well. However, there are still plenty of other threats to children in and…
Mayor Bill de Blasio recently signed a new law that requires all construction workers in New York City to complete at least 40 to 55 hours of safety training. The law came as a response to a more than 18 percent increase in construction-related injuries during this fiscal year. The total injuries rose from 526…
For your own safety, always wear a helmet whenever you ride your bike. Going without a helmet is tempting fate. All it takes is one fall or accident for you to suffer catastrophic or fatal injuries. However, it’s not just for safety reasons that you should be sure to wear a helmet every time you…
Determining liability can be a challenge in any car accident-related injury claim, especially if the at-fault driver was operating a company car. In most cases, the employer will be liable for the accident—with some exceptions. The two main ways an employer can be held liable for an auto accident caused by a company driver are…
A recent study in Singapore indicates riding a yellow taxi instead of one of any other color reduces one’s risk of being in an accident. Yellow taxis were found to have about six fewer crashes for every thousand taxis than blue or other-colored taxis. This is perhaps due to the greater visibility of the color….
Most people involved in a personal injury claim have never experienced the process before, and as such, they are naturally unfamiliar with the way the legal system works related to such cases. It comes as little surprise that misconceptions and misinformation abound. Below are a few of the most common myths associated with personal injury…
After your auto accident lawsuit has been filed in court, you will enter the pre-trial phase. This includes what is commonly known as the “discovery” process. Pretrial discovery involves both sides taking the opportunity to gather and exchange information about their cases, using certain procedures specifically designed for that purpose. Some of those procedures include…
While drunk and drugged driving remain key concerns on a national level, another form of impaired driving has entered the picture as a major concern for people throughout the United States, and especially in New York: distracted driving. In 2015, the most recent year for which there is complete information available, 3,477 people were killed…