A recent study in Singapore indicates riding a yellow taxi instead of one of any other color reduces one’s risk of being in an accident. Yellow taxis were found to have about six fewer crashes for every thousand taxis than blue or other-colored taxis. This is perhaps due to the greater visibility of the color….

Most people involved in a personal injury claim have never experienced the process before, and as such, they are naturally unfamiliar with the way the legal system works related to such cases. It comes as little surprise that misconceptions and misinformation abound. Below are a few of the most common myths associated with personal injury…

After your auto accident lawsuit has been filed in court, you will enter the pre-trial phase. This includes what is commonly known as the “discovery” process. Pretrial discovery involves both sides taking the opportunity to gather and exchange information about their cases, using certain procedures specifically designed for that purpose. Some of those procedures include…

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