If you live in the Bronx or anywhere in New York City, you know there are areas in NYC with traffic issues that often lead to accidents. Even the best drivers can find themselves in accidents that have lingering legal effects like medical bills, expensive car repairs and disputes with insurance companies. All of this gets even more complicated if there is a passenger in your car or if you are a passenger in somebody’s car.

After an accident, even if you feel okay, it may be days or hours before you experience any symptoms from an injury. After an accident, when someone asks, “Are you okay?” The best answer is, “I don’t really know. Only a doctor can assess my health.” That’s the truth of the situation. You may be in shock or have a post-traumatic-stress reaction. Immediately following an accident, you really can’t objectively assess your situation.

New York personal injury law uses comparative fault calculations when determining responsibility and compensation for an accident. This means that when courts look to award monetary compensation to an accident victim, they will look to see if the accident victim did something that contributed to the accident.

Pain and suffering is the term used to describe the physical or emotional stress caused by being injured in an accident. How much compensation you should get for pain and suffering is calculated separately from the amount you get for more direct expenses.

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